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Li Keqiang: promoting the construction of large-scale scenery bases and excluding the use of renewable energy and raw materials from the total energy consumption control

Li Keqiang: promoting the construction of large-scale scenery bases and excluding the use of renewable energy and raw materials from the total energy consumption control

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  • Time of issue:2022-03-18
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(Summary description)At 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 5, 2022, the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress held its opening meeting in the Great Hall of the people. On behalf of the State Council, Premier Li Keqiang delivered a government work report to the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress.

Li Keqiang: promoting the construction of large-scale scenery bases and excluding the use of renewable energy and raw materials from the total energy consumption control

(Summary description)At 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 5, 2022, the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress held its opening meeting in the Great Hall of the people. On behalf of the State Council, Premier Li Keqiang delivered a government work report to the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress.

  • Categories:Company news
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  • Time of issue:2022-03-18
  • Views:0

At 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 5, 2022, the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress held its opening meeting in the Great Hall of the people. On behalf of the State Council, Premier Li Keqiang delivered a government work report to the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress. At 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 5, 2022, the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress held its opening meeting in the Great Hall of the people. On behalf of the State Council, Premier Li Keqiang delivered a government work report to the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress.
The report points out that in the past year, we have strengthened ecological and environmental protection and promoted sustainable development. Consolidate the achievements of the battle to defend the blue sky, clear water and pure land. Promote the reduction and efficiency increase of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and the resource utilization of livestock and poultry breeding wastes. We will continue to promote major projects for ecological protection and restoration, and fully implement the 10-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River. The installed capacity of renewable energy power generation exceeded 1 billion kw. The carbon peak action plan was issued. Launch the national carbon emission trading market. Actively respond to climate change.
On this year's development goal, he said: continuously improve the ecological environment and promote green and low-carbon development. We will strengthen pollution control, ecological protection and restoration, properly handle the relationship between development and emission reduction, and promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The target of energy consumption intensity will be comprehensively assessed during the 14th Five Year Plan period, with appropriate flexibility. The new renewable energy and raw material energy will not be included in the total energy consumption control.
Orderly promote carbon peak and carbon neutralization. Implement the carbon peak action plan. Promote the energy revolution, ensure energy supply, based on resource endowments, adhere to the first establishment and then destruction, and make overall plans to promote the low-carbon transformation of energy. Strengthen the clean and efficient utilization of coal, orderly reduction and substitution, and promote the transformation of energy conservation and carbon reduction, flexibility and heating of coal and electricity. Promote the planning and construction of large-scale wind and solar power bases and their supporting regulatory power sources, and improve the consumption capacity of the power grid for renewable energy power generation. Promote the R & D, promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies, build a green manufacturing and service system, and promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in iron and steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemical, chemical, building materials and other industries. We will resolutely curb the blind development of projects with high energy consumption, high emissions and low levels. Promote the transformation from "dual control" of energy consumption to "dual control" of total carbon emission and intensity, improve the incentive and restraint policies for pollution and carbon reduction, and accelerate the formation of a green production and lifestyle.
Focusing on the major national strategic deployment and the 14th five year plan, we will moderately advance infrastructure investment. We will build key water conservancy projects, comprehensive three-dimensional transportation networks, important energy bases and facilities, accelerate the renewal and transformation of urban gas pipelines and other pipe networks, improve flood control and drainage facilities, and continue to promote the construction of underground comprehensive pipe corridors. The central government allocated 640 billion yuan for investment. Government investment is more inclined to people's livelihood projects, and more efforts are made to make up for weaknesses in the field of social people's livelihood. We will deepen the reform of the investment examination and approval system, ensure the use of land, energy and other factors, and separate energy consumption for major national projects. We should optimize the investment structure, solve investment problems and give full play to the key role of investment.
We will strengthen comprehensive management of the ecological environment. We will deepen the fight against pollution. We will strengthen the coordinated control of multiple air pollutants and regional coordinated governance, strengthen the remediation of pollution in important rivers, lakes and bays, and continue to promote the prevention and control of soil pollution. We will strengthen the treatment of solid waste and new pollutants, and promote waste classification, reduction and recycling. We will improve support policies for environmental protection industries such as energy and water conservation and recycling of waste materials. Strengthen the zoning control of ecological environment, scientifically carry out land greening, coordinate the management of landscape, forest, field, lake, grass and sand system, protect biodiversity, and promote the construction of nature reserve system with national parks as the main body, so as to make our home greener and more beautiful.
Review of achievements in 2021
GDP reached 114 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.1%.
The national fiscal revenue exceeded 20 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.7%.
12.69 million new urban jobs were created.
New breakthroughs have been made in manned spaceflight, Mars exploration, resource exploration, energy engineering and other fields.
Grain output reached 1.37 trillion Jin, a record high.
The total number of market players exceeded 150 million.
The per capita disposable income of residents increased by 8.1% in real terms.
The results of epidemic prevention and control continued to consolidate. We implemented normalized prevention and control measures, and the coverage rate of vaccination in the whole process exceeded 85%.
New tax cuts and fee reductions exceeded 1 trillion yuan.
Situation judgment this year
This year, the risks and challenges facing China's development have increased significantly, and we must climb over the ridge.
China's long-term economic fundamentals will not change. There are many favorable conditions for sustainable development. In particular, hundreds of millions of people have a strong desire to pursue a better life, great potential for entrepreneurship and innovation and a firm will to overcome difficulties. We have also accumulated rich experience in dealing with major risks and challenges.
China's economy will certainly withstand the downward pressure and will go steady and far.
2022 development goals
GDP grew by about 5.5%.
More than 11 million new jobs were created in cities and towns, and the urban survey unemployment rate was controlled within 5.5% throughout the year.
Consumer prices rose by about 3%.
The growth of residents' income basically kept pace with economic growth.
Grain output remained above 1.3 trillion Jin.
The quality of ecological environment continued to improve, and the emission of major pollutants continued to decline.
Key work in 2022
This year's deficit ratio is planned to be about 2.8%, down from last year.
The scale of expenditure increased by more than 2 trillion yuan over last year.
Central to local transfer payments increased by about 1.5 trillion yuan, with a scale of nearly 9.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 18%, the largest increase in many years.
Implement a comprehensive economy strategy.
Establish a financial stability guarantee fund.
We will implement a new combined tax support policy and adhere to the simultaneous development of tax reduction and tax rebate.
We will continue to provide financing support to enterprises in industries seriously affected by the epidemic.
We will carry out a pilot project on the protection of occupational injuries in new forms of employment.
Fully implement the list management of administrative licensing matters.
Basically realize the exchange and mutual recognition of electronic licenses.
Fully implement the stock issuance registration system.
Implement the ten-year plan for basic research.
We will implement a three-year plan for tackling key problems in the reform of the scientific and technological system.
We will strengthen the implementation of the policy of adding and deducting R & D expenses, and increase the proportion of adding and deducting scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises from 75% to 100%.
Continue to support the consumption of new energy vehicles.
We will start rebuilding a number of old urban communities.
Build 100 million mu of high standard farmland.
Carry out the pilot of extending the second round of land contract for another 30 years in the whole county.
Start rural construction.
Give full play to the role of cross-border e-commerce and support the construction of a number of overseas warehouses.
We will continue to do a good job in reducing the burden of compulsory education.
Increase inclusive preschool education resources through multiple channels.
The per capita financial subsidy standard for residents' medical insurance and basic public health services will be increased by 30 yuan and 5 yuan respectively.
Promote the centralized procurement of drugs and high-value medical consumables.
We will basically unify the scope of Medicare use across the country.
The care expenses for infants under three years old will be included in the special additional deduction of individual income tax.
We will accelerate the development of the long-term rental housing market, promote the construction of affordable housing, and support the commercial housing market to better meet the reasonable housing needs of buyers.
Make good use of the heritage of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. It is a common practice to build sports venues and facilities around the people and promote national fitness.
We will severely crack down on the crime of abducting and trafficking in women and children.
Strengthen network security, data security and personal information protection.
We will complete the reform of the national defense mobilization system and strengthen national defense education for the whole people.


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