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Support coal and oil and gas enterprises to build photovoltaic and accelerate the development of new energy from multiple angles

Support coal and oil and gas enterprises to build photovoltaic and accelerate the development of new energy from multiple angles

  • Categories:Company news
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  • Time of issue:2022-01-13
  • Views:0

(Summary description)Support coal and oil and gas enterprises to build photovoltaic and accelerate the development of new energy from multiple angles

Support coal and oil and gas enterprises to build photovoltaic and accelerate the development of new energy from multiple angles

(Summary description)Support coal and oil and gas enterprises to build photovoltaic and accelerate the development of new energy from multiple angles

  • Categories:Company news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2022-01-13
  • Views:0

We will promote the implementation of the functional positioning of power grid enterprises, further deepen the market-oriented reform of competitive businesses of natural monopoly enterprises, and establish a reporting mechanism for power grid enterprises to focus on their main responsibilities and businesses.
Power grid enterprises shall do a good job in the access to the power grid and power grid interconnection services of new energy, distributed energy, new energy storage, microgrid and incremental distribution network, provide necessary information for the access system design of relevant projects, and clarify the information query process and handling time limit such as the exploitable capacity of distribution transformer.
Power grid enterprises should optimize the basic process and internal mechanism of network connection, simplify the capital collection list according to national and industrial technical standards and norms, clarify technical requirements, provide a service window for special personnel, further reduce the processing time limit of network connection application acceptance and scheme reply, specify the construction time of network connection project in the network connection agreement, and improve the efficiency of network connection service. All provincial energy authorities should promote and clarify the repurchase mechanism and standards of self built supporting delivery projects for new energy investment in combination with the actual situation. Establish an evaluation mechanism for the completion rate of power grid access, and take the completion rate of power grid access as an important index for power grid enterprises to implement the responsibility of renewable energy consumption.


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